Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Not what I'd intended...

I sit here tonight having intended to blog about my progress on my list but my thoughts go elsewhere instead. Last year I stumbled across a blog written by Kate Krull called 2 kids, a mortgage and a minivan. At the time I started reading this blog, Kate's daughter Lucy had just been diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer. I have spent the past year regularly following her blog, keeping updated on how Lucy is doing. This poor child is only 5 and has endured more in the past year than most ever encounter in a lifetime. Her mother Kate has maintained what I can only describe as unwavering faith and strength throughout this whole nightmarish ordeal. How she manages to do this I may never know. Tonight, I decided to check in on Miss Lucy. As I read Kate's post from tonight my heart nearly stopped, my breath caught in my chest and the tears flowed instantly. Her cancer, which had been gone, is back. And there is nothing that can be done. Doctors have said Lucy's time here is nearly over, she will be gone soon. Kate simply asks for prayers that Lucy passes peacefully. And now I sit here, crying my eyes out and heart aching for this child I've never actually met, for this family going through the unthinkable. There are so many things in life which I cannot understand, cannot fathom even. Saying goodbye to your child being at the top of that list right now. If you pray at all, I ask that you please pray for Lucy and the rest of the Krull family. At the moment, they need our prayers more than anyone I know.