Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I finally got to cross another thing off my list-Paddleboarding! And it was sooooo much fun! My friend Jen and I, along with her husband, sister, aunt and uncle all went down to Mission Bay in San Diego bright and early last Saturday. After a quick lesson from our instructor we grabbed our boards and gave it a go. I somehow lucked out and ended up with a board that matched my swimsuit and cover up. If you know me at all then you understand how important that is! So how was paddleboarding? It's surprisingly (and thankfully) easier than I expected it to be. Once you get up and get your balance it's fairly easy to stay that way. I am pleased to repost that I didn't fall one single time! (And neither did Jen for the record!) There was one moment right after I stood for the first time that I did wobble but just quickly dropped to my knees for a moment. We discovered towards the end of our two hour session that it's even better with two people on one board. We were really moving fast with two people paddling! It was such a neat feeling to glide over the water. It was exhilarating and relaxing at the same time if that's even possible. I decided I want my own paddleboard so I can go whenever I feel like it and I'd prefer to have a pink one. But given the cost of them (about $700 to start) I won't be owning one anytime soon. It will be my new go-to activity whenever friends and family come to visit us in the future. Anyone wanna come visit???
Me and Jen, crossing this off our lists!

See me squinting? That's because I was afraid of wearing my Coach sunglasses in the ocean and I didn't think ahead of time about buying a cheap pair.

Twice the fun!

The girl doing the handstand on her board is our instructor! Jen and I didn't attempt doing the handstand ourselves, mostly on account of the fact we can't do them on dry land.