Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A little Fanfiction

Months ago I mentioned in one of my posts that I'd recently discovered something called Fanfiction, a website where you can read (or write) continuations and variations of all your favorite books. For example, if you fell in love with a series of books and were consumed with sadness when it ended, you could go onto the fanfiction website and continue reading the series there. Or if you hated the ending of a book, fanfiction is a place you could find alternate endings to the book. Now everything on fanfiction is completely amateur so if you're super picky about things like spelling or grammar, it probably isn't for you. I started out just reading various stories and after a few months, began writing my own. You can do a fanfiction work on just about anything but mine is about Hunger Games. It's not a continuation of the original works but rather a twist on a rewrite of the original where parts of the real books are blended in with parts of my imagination. My first book is complete and the sequel to that is nearly finished. It's become one of my favorite things to do in my spare time and eventually, when all is finished, I may venture on to writing my own original book. Maybe. Anyway, I promised long ago that if I did end up writing anything on fanfiction that I would link it here on this blog, so here you go!


And before you go read it, there are a few minor rules:
-If you read it, please do NOT tell me about it. I don't like knowing who's reading my writing and I don't like knowing what my friends and family think of it. Seriously.

-You'll have to forgive my spelling and grammar. Neither are a strong suit of mine. I am fully aware my work is riddled with errors. Eventually, I'll probably go back through and fix everything, but not right now.

1 comment:

  1. Beth - I hear ya! I would be able to write more from the heart if I knew that family/friends would never see it! Miss you lots! :)
